Nurse Pay Rates Hub

The most comprehensive source of salary data and agency nurse pay rates.
Explore agency nurse pay rates across a range of specialisms and locations. Learn how much you could earn below.


Average rate per hour

How much do nurses earn? Across the UK, the amount agency nurses get paid varies significantly. Nurse Salaries differ based on region, nursing specialism, and level of experience, amongst other factors. We've collected market data on agency nurse pay rates to bring you a comprehensive salary guide. Explore our Salary to discover agency nurse pay rates and find out what you could earn.

Nurse Salaries and Agency Nurse Pay Rates by Location

What to know where agency nurses can earn the most?
Here are our high nurse pay rate hotspots & featured locations.
Explore the regions that offer the highest nursing pay rates, and find out how much agency nurses can earn.

Nurse Salaries by Speciality
Popular & Featured Specialities

Disclaimer: Rates shown here are correct at the time of publishing. These are gross PAYE pay rates for standard tax codes, without pension contributions.

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