There’s a school of thought that suggests registering with as many nursing agencies as possible is the fastest route to finding your next job. However, the scattergun approach has its limitations and it’s important to recognise that working exclusively with one agency may actually offer greater job hunting success. We’ve outlined some of the reasons why you might be better off working with one nursing agency exclusively...


Build a Relationship

Working with one nursing agency means that you will build a strong rapport with that business, whether that’s a team or an individual consultant. It’s far easier to just get to know one nursing agency really well, rather than dip your toe in with multiple agencies. Finding a new nurse job can be fairly tumultuous at times, so developing a good relationship with your agency is important - as they can offer guidance, support and sometimes just lend an ear if you want to talk. 


Focus your efforts

By choosing to work exclusively with your nursing agency of choice, you can invest your time and efforts into one particular agency. Consultants can then explore opportunities that are targeted to suit your preferred shift pattern, location or nurse job type. Focussing your undivided efforts on one agency not only shows commitment, but also helps to keep things simple. Distributing your time across multiple nursing agencies can get confusing! 


Here through every step of your career

There are many long term benefits of working with one recruiter. The nursing agency you chose will dedicate resources into developing your career. Certainly at Mayday Healthcare, we’ve seen candidates repeatedly return to us to secure their next contract. Acting on your behalf, your consultant will consider your best interests, both present and future, when finding your next nurse job. 


Take control of the process

Ultimately, if you’re only dealing with one recruiter, the power is in your hands. You can pick a nursing agency that is aligned with your career goals, obtain regular progress updates and feedback, and only have one company to hold accountable. It means that you will be submitted for nursing jobs that suit your preferences and full transparency with your recruiter.   You have control. 


If you’re looking for a new role, or want some advice on working with a nursing agency, contact the Mayday Healthcare team today.