The Cavell Nurses’ Trust has announced a fund specifically to assist nurses and midwives facing financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. The fund is intended to help nursing staff with living costs, such as paying rent and utility bills. Mayday Healthcare understands the implications that this pandemic will have on a vast number of agency nurses.


The medical workforce faces a period of uncertainty during these unprecedented times. For many nurses, having to self-isolate means that they are unable to top up their hours, with overtime or bank shifts. Equally, a large proportion of agency nurses are not eligible for sickness pay. Some nurses will also experience a decrease in household earnings if their partner or family are also affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. 


You can find out more on the Cavell Nurses’ Trust website. Please note that as per Government guidelines, the Cavell Trust offices are shut so their telephone number is not in operation. All information is available on their website. To find out if you are eligible for support you can visit the website, or download the grant application form here


If you have any concerns or questions, please contact your Mayday Healthcare consultant - we're here to help in any way we can during these difficult times. We will continue to share updates as information is released.