High Nurse Pay Rates

Flexible shifts

Online payslips

Open 24/7 365

ID & Timesheets

High shift volume

Referral scheme

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Representing the brand positively in a multitude of hospital settings completing 3 shifts per week (additional overtime available upon request)
  • Supporting Mayday Healthcare with candidate selection and engagement
  • Creation of pastoral support and retention programmes
  • Assisting in content creating for our social media pages
  • Participating in event marketing
  • Generating brand awareness through word-of-mouth marketing in practice
  • Being an opinion leader in their specified region
  • These roles require 1+ year NMC registration and prior experience working in a clinical environment

About Mayday Healthcare

Mayday Healthcare is a leading nursing agency, specialising in the recruitment of nurses and healthcare professionals. We work to reduce the off-framework spend, minimise clinical risk and provide a great service to our clients and agency nurses. Mayday Healthcare recruits qualified staff for a wide range of agency nursing jobs for clients nationally, both in the private sector and the NHS, across full-time, part-time and ad-hoc shifts.

If you're interested and for more information, please apply online today!

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